

Original price was: $588.00.Current price is: $288.00.

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  • 薄荷: 清新口气,提神醒脑,疏风散热。
  • 茉莉花: 理气开郁,辟秽和中,清新口气。
  • 决明子: 清热明目,润肠通便。
  • 荷叶: 清热解暑,升发清阳,凉血止血。


  • 希望保持清新口气的人群
  • 饮食油腻,肠胃不适的人群
  • 追求健康生活,喜爱天然草本茶饮的人群

饮用方法: 取1-2袋茶包,用热水冲泡3-5分钟,即可饮用。可根据个人喜好调整冲泡时间和水量。

温馨提示: 本品为食品,不能代替药物。


  • 清新口气,自信绽放: 精选薄荷、茉莉花等天然草本,清新口气,去除口腔异味,让您时刻保持自信笑容。
  • 舒畅身心,焕发活力: 搭配决明子、荷叶等草本成分,帮助消化,促进新陈代谢,缓解油腻,让您身心舒畅,焕发活力。
  • 天然草本,安心之选: 不含任何人工添加剂,天然草本,温和滋养,安心饮用。

12 reviews for 三绛清灵茶

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    As a long-term worker who stays up late and works overtime, my body is gradually turning red and my blood lipids and blood sugar are a bit high. I accidentally discovered San Jiang Qing Ling tea and after drinking it for a while, I feel that my mental state has improved a lot, and my physical examination indicators have also improved. Its ingredients are all natural herbaceous plants, making it very reassuring to drink. And the price is also very affordable, with a super high cost performance ratio!

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Recently, during a physical examination, my blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar were all elevated. The doctor advised me to pay more attention to my diet and lifestyle habits, so I started looking for products that can assist in regulation. After trying this Triple Reduction Clear Spirit Tea, I was really pleasantly surprised! After persisting in drinking for a period of time, there was a significant decrease in the indicators when rechecked, and the taste was also good, with a light tea aroma. Drinking a few cups every day is not greasy. We will continue to repurchase!

  3. Rated 5 out of 5



  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    As a long-term worker who stays up late and works overtime, my body is gradually turning red and my blood lipids and blood sugar are a bit high. I accidentally discovered San Jiang Qing Ling tea and after drinking it for a while, I feel that my mental state has improved a lot, and my physical examination indicators have also improved. Its ingredients are all natural herbaceous plants, making it very reassuring to drink. And the price is also very affordable, with a super high cost performance ratio!

  5. Rated 5 out of 5


    I bought San Jiang Qing Ling tea for my parents, and after drinking it for a while, they gave feedback that the effect was very good. My parents are getting older, and the issue of “three highs” has always been a concern for me. With this tea, I feel much more at ease. It is individually packaged, clean and hygienic, and easy to carry. It can be brewed at any time for outings or travel. Sincerely recommend to friends with the same needs!

  6. Rated 5 out of 5


    给老公买的三降清灵茶,他平时应酬多,“三高” 问题越来越严重。喝了这款茶后,体重下降了一些,血脂血糖也有所降低。他说喝了之后感觉身体轻松了很多,精神状态也变好了。真心感谢这款茶!

  7. Rated 5 out of 5


    之前一直被 “三高” 问题困扰,尝试了很多方法都效果不佳。自从喝了三降清灵茶,情况有了明显的改善。它的成分很安全,没有任何副作用,而且喝起来很方便。现在我已经把它当成日常饮品了,希望能一直保持好的状态!

  8. Rated 5 out of 5



  9. Rated 5 out of 5


    The elderly at home have a “three highs” problem and have been drinking various medicines, which I am worried about may have side effects. I listened to my friend’s recommendation and bought Sanjiang Qingling tea. The old man drank it for a while and the effect was really good. Now I take the initiative to soak and drink every day, saying that my body feels much better after drinking. This tea really provides an extra guarantee for the health of the elderly

  10. Rated 5 out of 5


    三降清灵茶真的是一款宝藏产品!我喝了一段时间后,血压、血脂、血糖都稳定了很多,而且睡眠质量也提高了。它的价格也很亲民,普通家庭都能消费得起。强烈推荐给身边有 “三高” 问题的朋友们!

  11. Rated 5 out of 5



  12. Rated 5 out of 5

    Mr du

    Great to use, after drinking for about a month, my body has become lighter and I no longer have constipation. I have also lost 2 pounds.

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Original price was: $588.00.Current price is: $288.00.